CBSE Class 10 First Flight Summary Cheat Sheet | Chapter Wise

Below we have provided the complete CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature First Flight chapter wise summary.

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Chapter 1: A Letter to God Summary

Author: G.L. Fuentes

Character Introduction

  • Lencho (Hardworking, Faithful)
  • Postmaster: (Amiable man)

Theme: Unwavering faith in God despite adversity


  • Lencho, a farmer, eagerly awaits rain for his cornfield.
  • A hailstorm destroys his entire crop, endangering his family’s survival.
  • Despite hardship, Lencho believes in God’s help.
  • Lencho writes a letter to God asking for assistance.
  • The postmaster, moved by Lencho’s faith, collects money for him.
  • Lencho receives only 70 pesos, less than he expected, and feels betrayed.
  • He writes another letter to God, expressing his disappointment and distrust in the post office employees

Chapter 2: Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Author: Nelson Mandela

Theme: Struggle for freedom and democracy in South Africa

Character Introduction:

Nelson Mandela (Resilient, Determined) Dignitaries from various countries People of South Africa


  • Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa on May 10, 1994, marking the birth of a new democratic nation.
  • Many dignitaries attend the historic inauguration.
  • Mandela expresses gratitude to the dignitaries and pledges to eradicate discrimination in the country.
  • Democracy is established, ensuring equal rights for all citizens.
  • The people of South Africa sing two National Anthems as a symbol of unity and progress.
  • Mandela reflects on the oppression faced by black South Africans under white rule.
  • He emphasizes the importance of overcoming hatred and embracing love to achieve freedom.
  • Mandela discusses the dual obligations individuals have towards family and country.
  • He recounts his realization that his own freedom was illusory, as he and his family were victims of exploitation.
  • Mandela advocates for freedom even for those who were once oppressors, stating that both the oppressed and oppressors are prisoners.
  • He concludes that true bravery lies in conquering fear and fulfilling one’s duties to family, country, and community.

Chapter 3: Two Stories About Flying

Liam O’Flaherty “His First Flight”
Fredrik Forsyth “Black Aeroplane”

Theme: Overcoming fear through courage and determination Character Introduction: Young Seagull (Fearful Bird) Pilot (Determined)


“His First Flight” by Liam O’Flaherty:

  • The story centers on a young seagull who is fearful of taking his first flight.
  • Despite encouragement and threats from his parents, the young seagull refuses to fly, fearing his wings won’t support him.
  • The young seagull’s hunger eventually forces him to lean out over the edge of the ledge, causing him to accidentally fall into flight.
  • As he falls, he discovers that his wings do indeed support him, and he learns to fly confidently alongside his siblings.

“Black Aeroplane” by Fredrik Forsyth:

  • The narrative follows a pilot who is flying from France to England to join his family for breakfast.
  • He encounters storm clouds that darken his surroundings completely, leaving him disoriented and unable to see.
  • Another aeroplane without lights appears and signals the pilot to follow.
  • Despite having no radio contact and low fuel, the pilot follows the mysterious aeroplane through the storm clouds.
  • The pilot is guided safely to a runway by the other aeroplane, but upon landing, he discovers that there is no record of another aircraft being in the area.
  • The mystery of the black aeroplane and its pilot remains unsolved, leaving the protagonist with a sense of awe and gratitude.

Chapter 4: From the Diary of Anne Frank

Author: Anne Frank

Theme: challenges of school life, including academic pressure, disciplinary actions, and Anne’s resilience through creativity and humor

Character Introduction

Anne Frank: Spirited and talkative student G.N.: Anne’s classmate C.N. and Jacques: Two boys in Anne’s class Mr. Keesing: Anne’s math teacher


  • Anne describes the anxiety within her class as they await the teachers’ decision on promotion.
  • She shares amusing anecdotes about her classmates’ reactions, particularly C.N. and Jacques.
  • Despite her concerns about certain subjects, Anne maintains optimism.
  • She narrates her amusing encounters with Mr. Keesing, who assigns her essays as punishment for talking in class.
  • Anne cleverly tackles the essay topics, showcasing her wit and resourcefulness. She reflects on the unpredictability of teachers and the importance of perseverance.
  • Ultimately, Anne finds success in navigating classroom dynamics through creativity and humor, earning Mr. Keesing’s appreciation and avoiding extra homework assignments.

“A Baker from Goa” by Lucio Rodrigues
“Coorg” by Lokesh Abrol
“Tea from Assam” by Arup Kumar Datta

Theme: Diversity and richness of Indian lifestyles and cultures


1. “A Baker from Goa” by Lucio Rodrigues:

  • Set in Portuguese-ruled Goa, the story highlights the significance of a baker in the village.
  • Describes the traditional process of breadmaking and the cultural importance of bread in Goan society.
  • Portrays the nostalgic memories associated with the baker and the sweet bread called Bol.

2. “Coorg” by Lokesh Abrol:

  • Explores the enchanting district of Coorg in Karnataka, known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage.
  • Discusses the historical connections of Coorg with Alexander’s army and the unique dress code of the locals.
  • Highlights the bravery of the Coorg people and their contributions, including the renowned Coorg Regiment in the Indian Army.

3. “Tea from Assam” by Arup Kumar Datta:

  • Follows the journey of two friends exploring Assam and its tea plantations.
  • Discusses the legends surrounding the discovery of tea and its cultural significance.
  • Explores the vast tea estates of Assam and the traditional practice of tea leaf plucking. Sets the stage for further exploration of Assam’s rich tea culture.

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