NCERT Solution Rise Of Nationalism In Europe SST History (Rationalised)

The Rise Of nationalism In Europe is Chapter 1 in SST History which contains about 5 marks in Board 2024. If you learn this chapter well you can get this marks easily. Learning chapter exercise solution will help you in this.

Complete chapter exercise contains Brief Notes (appear in board), discussion and projects. Below we have provided the solution for this chapter in concise and easy to learn manner. You can make notes from it.

Class 10 SST History Chapter 1 Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Solution Rationalised

Write In Brief: Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Solution

Below we have provided the solution of the each question. It is easy to learn. You can also add your learning in the following to make it more helpful for you so that you can use it for your exam.

Q1. Write a note on: (a) Giuseppe Mazzini (b) Count Camilo De Cavour (c) The Greek War Of Independence (d) Frankfurt Parliament (e) Role Of Women In Nationalist Struggles

a. Giuseppe Mazzini

  • Giuseppe Mazzini aimed to create a united Italian Republic during the 1830s.
  • He founded the secret society ‘Young Italy’ to spread his ideas and goals.

b. Count Camillo de Cavour

  • Cavour led the Italian unification movement.
  • He used diplomacy rather than revolution.
  • Cavour’s diplomatic alliance helped Sardini-Piedmont defeat Austrian forces in 1859.

c. The Greek War of Independence

  • Greece was under Ottoman Empire rule since the fifteenth century.
  • Greek independence struggle began in 1821 due to rising nationalism.
  • Poets, artists, and Europeans supported Greece’s fight for independence.
  • The Treaty of Constantinople in 1832 recognized Greece as an independent nation.

d. Frankfurt Parliament

  • Frankfurt Parliament was an all-German National assembly.
  • Comprised middle-class professionals, businessmen, and artisans.
  • Convened on May 18, 1848, but disbanded on May 31, 1849, losing support.

e. Role of Women in Nationalist Struggles

  • Middle-class women supported constitutionalism and national unification.
  • They demanded a nation-state with parliamentary principles.
  • Women formed political associations, started newspapers, and participated in political activities and demonstrations.

Q2. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?

Here are the steps the French revolutionaries took to create a sense of collective identity among the French people, line by line:

  • They introduced measures for collective identity.
  • Concepts of “la patrie” (the fatherland) and “le citoyen” (the citizen) were emphasized, promoting unity and equal rights.
  • The tricolour flag replaced the royal standard, symbolizing the new unified France.
  • The Estates General transformed into the National Assembly, elected by active citizens, fostering a sense of participation and shared purpose.
  • New hymns, oaths, and commemorations were introduced to promote a national identity and pride.
  • Centralized administration and uniform laws were established, providing a common legal framework for the entire nation.
  • Internal customs duties and dues were abolished, removing economic barriers between regions.
  • Uniform weights and measures were adopted, ensuring consistency in trade and daily life.
  • Regional dialects were discouraged in favor of French as spoken in Paris, unifying the language spoken across the nation.

Q3. Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in which they were portrayed?

  • Marianne was the personification of the French nation during the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Germania represented the German nation during the same period.

Importance of their Portrayal:

  • Marianne and Germania were portrayed as female figures to give a concrete form to the abstract idea of the nation. This made it easier for people to relate to and identify with their respective countries.
  • Marianne, with her attributes like the red cap, tricolour, and cockade, symbolized liberty and the Republic in France, emphasizing the values of the nation.
  • Germania, with her crown of oak leaves, symbolized heroism in Germany, instilling a sense of pride and courage in the nation.
  • Statues of Marianne and Germania were placed in public squares to remind people of national unity and encourage a sense of belonging to the nation.
  • These allegorical representations appeared on coins and stamps, reinforcing the national identity and reminding people of their shared heritage and values.
  • Overall, the portrayal of Marianne and Germania served as powerful symbols to promote national unity, identity, and patriotism among the citizens of France and Germany.

You can use the following table format answer for remembering key points

Personification of the French nation.Personification of the German nation.
Portrayed as a female figure.Portrayed as a female figure.
Symbolized liberty and the Republic in France.Symbolized heroism in Germany.
Attributes included the red cap, tricolour, and cockade.Wore a crown of oak leaves.
Statues placed in public squares for national unity.Statues also used for fostering national pride.
Image appeared on coins and stamps.Image also featured on currency and stamps.

Q4. Briefly trace the process of German unification.

  • In the 1800s, middle-class Germans really wanted their country to become one big nation.
  • In 1848, they tried to make this happen by electing a group of people to create a single country out of a bunch of smaller ones.
  • But the king, the army, and some rich landowners in Prussia didn’t like this idea, so they stopped it.
  • After that, Prussia took charge and started putting Germany together.
  • A guy named Otto von Bismarck, who was in charge of Prussia, used the army and government workers to do it.
  • They fought three wars in seven years, beating Austria, Denmark, and France.
  • Finally, in 1871, they declared King William I of Prussia to be the German Emperor, and that’s when Germany became one big country. They did this in a fancy ceremony at Versailles.

Q5.What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?

Napoleon made administrative changes for efficiency in his ruled territories such as:

  • Napoleonic Code: In 1804, Napoleon issued the Napoleonic Code, which got rid of special privileges based on a person’s birth. It made everyone equal before the law and protected the right to own property.
  • Simplified Administrative Divisions: Napoleon simplified how regions were divided in places like the Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany. This made it easier to govern these areas.
  • Abolishment of Feudal System: Napoleon got rid of the old feudal system, which meant that peasants were no longer bound to the land and didn’t have to pay dues to lords.
  • End of Guild Restrictions: In towns, Napoleon removed the rules that limited what people could do for work, allowing more freedom for businesses.
  • Infrastructure Improvements: Napoleon made transportation and communication systems better, which helped people move around and trade more easily.
  • Standardization: He introduced uniform laws, standard measurements, and a common national currency. This made it simpler to trade goods and money across different regions.

In short, while Napoleon brought back a monarchy in France, he also made significant changes in the administrative system to make it more organized and efficient, incorporating some revolutionary ideas in the process.

Discuss: The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Solution

Discuss are the different types of question that rarely appear in

Q1. Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?

The 1848 revolution of the liberals was a series of uprisings in Europe driven by people who wanted more freedom and a say in how their countries were run.

Political Ideas: Liberals wanted constitutional governments with limited rulers and more political rights for citizens. They aimed to replace absolute monarchies with democracy.

Social Ideas: Liberals supported social equality and individual rights, ending class privileges, and promoting equal opportunities and rights.

Economic Ideas: Liberals believed in free-market capitalism with minimal government regulation, where success came from individual effort and competition.

The above discuss question can be asked as following:
>Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?
>Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals? what were the political, social, and economic ideas supported by the liberals?
>what is the meaning revolutions at 1848 of the liberals. Explain any one of the political social and economic ideas supported by the liberals
>What did liberal nationalism mean, politically, socially and economically
>Explain the 1848 revolution of liberal

Q2.Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe.

1. Language and Literature:

  • Writers and poets like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Giuseppe Verdi used native languages to celebrate culture and history.
  • This connected people to their cultural roots, fostering pride in their linguistic heritage.
  • Language and literature helped build a shared identity and a desire for national unity.

2. Art and Symbols:

  • European artists depicted history and landscapes in paintings and sculptures.
  • National symbols, such as the French tricolor flag and the German eagle, represented national pride and identity.
  • Recognizable visual symbols strengthened people’s sense of belonging to their nation.

3. Music and Folklore:

  • Folk songs and dances celebrated local customs and values, passed down through generations.
  • Composers like Antonín Dvořák incorporated folk elements into classical music, creating unity.
  • Folklore and music fostered a shared cultural heritage among regional populations.

Q3. Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the nineteenth century.

Country 1: Germany

  • Unification: In the early 19th century, Germany was a collection of small states. They spoke the same language but were not united. Then, in the late 1800s, a leader named Otto von Bismarck worked to unify them into one country.
  • Industrialization: Germany became a powerhouse of industry. They made things like steel, chemicals, and machinery. This made their economy strong.
  • Military Power: Germany built a powerful army and navy. They wanted to be a strong nation in Europe.

Country 2: Italy

  • Unification: Like Germany, Italy was divided into many small states at the beginning of the 19th century. Leaders like Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Camillo di Cavour worked to unify Italy into one nation.
  • Agricultural to Industrial: Italy went from being mainly agricultural to industrial. They started making products like textiles and machinery.
  • Colonial Ambitions: Italy also wanted to be a colonial power. They tried to take control of places like Libya and Ethiopia in Africa.

Project: The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe

Find out more about nationalist symbols in countries outside Europe. For one or two countries, collect examples of pictures, posters or music that are symbols of nationalism. How are these different from European examples?

Project Title: Comparative Analysis of Nationalist Symbols: Europe vs. Non-European Countries

Objective: To explore and compare nationalist symbols in Europe and non-European countries through visual examples and their characteristics.

Countries Selected for Analysis:

  1. European Country: France
  2. Non-European Country: India

Now, let’s create a table to present the collected examples of nationalist symbols and their characteristics for each country.

Table 1: Nationalist Symbols in France

Tricolour FlagBlue, White, Red vertical stripesRepresents Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
La MarseillaiseNational AnthemInspires patriotism and unity

Table 2: Nationalist Symbols in India

Indian FlagTricolor with Ashoka ChakraRepresents diversity, unity, and freedom
Vande MataramPatriotic SongEvokes love for the motherland

Next, we can create a comparison chart to highlight the differences between European and non-European nationalist symbols:

Chart: Comparative Analysis of Nationalist Symbols

AspectEuropean Example (France)Non-European Example (India)
Visual SymbolTricolour Flag: Vertical Blue, White, Red StripesTricolor Flag: Horizontal Bands with Ashoka Chakra
Anthem“La Marseillaise” in French“Vande Mataram” in Sanskrit, Bengali, and others
SignificanceSymbolizes Liberty, Equality, FraternityRepresents Unity, Diversity, Freedom, and Love for the Motherland
Cultural ContextReflects French Revolutionary Ideals and HistoryEmbodies Indian Diversity and Ancient Heritage
LanguageFrenchSanskrit, Bengali, and Multiple Regional Languages
Historical RootsEmerged During French Revolution and RepublicIngrained in the Indian Independence Movement

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