Language is a dynamic and ever-evolving entity, with its beauty lying in the vast array of words and expressions it offers. One essential component of language that forms the backbone of communication is verbs.
Verbs are the action words that breathe life into sentences, allowing us to convey actions, states, and occurrences.
In this exploration, we delve into the richness of language by examining 1000 verb forms, unlocking a treasure trove of expressions that enhance our ability to communicate effectively.
What Is a Verb Form?
A verb form is the altered or shaped version of a verb to fit the context, specifically referring to an action carried out at a particular time.
The English language encompasses five verb forms: the base verb, third person singular present tense, present participle, simple past, and past participle.
Here are the primary verb forms:
- Base Form: This is the simplest form of a verb, often the form found in the dictionary. Examples include “run,” “eat,” and “sing.”
- Infinitive: The base form of a verb with the word “to” in front, such as “to run,” “to eat,” or “to sing.”
- Past Tense: This form indicates that an action took place in the past. Examples include “ran,” “ate,” and “sang.”
- Past Participle: This form is often used in perfect tenses and passive constructions. For example, “run” becomes “run,” “eat” becomes “eaten,” and “sing” becomes “sung.”
- Present Participle: This form is created by adding “-ing” to the base form and is used to indicate ongoing actions in the present. Examples include “running,” “eating,” and “singing.”
1000 Verb Forms List Hindi English A to Z
Present | Hindi Meaning | Past | Past Participle |
Buy | खरीदना | Bought | Bought |
Build | बाँधना | Built | Built |
Burn | जलना | Burnt | Burnt |
Bend | झुकना | Bent | Bent |
Bring | लाना | Brought | Brought |
Become | होना | Became | Become |
Come | आना | Came | Come |
Catch | पकड़ना | Caught | Caught |
Do | करना | Did | Done |
Dream | सपना देखना | Dreamt | Dreamt |
Arise | उठना / जागना | Arose | Arisen |
Be | होना | Was, were | Been |
Bear | सहना | Bore | Bore |
Beat | मारना | Beat | Beat |
Bite | काटना | Bit | Bitten |
Break | तोड़ना | Broke | Broken |
Choose | चुनना | Chose | Chosen |
Draw | चित्र बनाना | Drew | Drawn |
Drive | चलाना | Drove | Driven |
Eat | खाना | Ate | Eaten |
Fall | गिरना | Fell | Fallen |
Fly | उड़ना | Flew | Flown |
Forget | भूल जाना | Forgot | Forgotten |
Forgive | माफ करना | Forgave | Forgiven |
Give | देना | Gave | Given |
Grow | बढ़ना | Grew | Grown |
Hide | छुपाना | Hid | Hidden |
Know | जानना | Knew | Known |
Lie | लेटना | Lay | Lain |
Ride | सवार होना | Rode | Ridden |
Rise | उठना | Rose | Risen |
See | देखना | Saw | Seen |
Speak | बोलना | Spoke | Spoken |
Take | लेना | Took | Taken |
Throw | फेंकना | Threw | Thrown |
Wake | जागना | Woke | Woken |
Wear | कपड़े पहनना | Wore | Worn |
Write | लिखना | Wrote | Written |
Begin | शुरू करना | Began | Begun |
Drink | पीना | Drank | Drunk |
Ring | घंटी बजाना | Rang | Rung |
Run | दौड़ना | Ran | Run |
Shrink | छोटा होना | Shrank | Shrunk |
Sing | गाना | Sang | Sung |
Sink | डूबना | Sank | Sunk |
Swear | शपथ लेना | Swore | Sworn |
Stand | खड़ा रहना | Stood | Stood |
Sell | बेचना | Sold | Sold |
Shine | चमकना | Shone | Shone |
Shoot | गोली मारना | Shot | Shot |
Sit | बैठना | Sat | Sat |
Swim | तैरना | Swam | Swum |
Sweep | झाड़ू लगाना | Swept | Swept |
Sleep | सोना | Slept | Slept |
Steal | चुराना | Stole | Stolen |
Smell | सूंघना | Smelt | Smelt |
Teach | पढ़ाना | Taught | Taught |
Tell | कहना | Told | Told |
Think | सोचना | Thought | Thought |
Understand | समझना | Understood | Understood |
Win | जीतना | Won | Won |
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Withdraw | निकालना | Withdrew | Withdrawn |
Fight | लड़ाई करना | Fought | Fought |
Feed | खिलाना | Fed | Fed |
Feel | महसूस करना | Felt | Felt |
Find | ढूंढना | Found | Found |
Forbid | रोकना | Forbade | Forbidden |
Get | पाना | Got | Got |
Go | जाना | Went | Gone |
Hear | सुनना | Heard | Heard |
Hold | पकड़ना | Held | Held |
Hang | टांगना / लटकना | Hung | Hung |
Keep | रखना | Kept | Kept |
Learn | सीखना | Learnt | Learnt |
Leave | छोड़ना | Left | Left |
Mean | अर्थ होना | Meant | Meant |
Make | बनाना | Made | Made |
Overtake | आगे पहुंचना | Overtook | Overtaken |
Pay | अदा करना | Paid | Paid |
Say | कहना | Said | Said |
Bet | दावा लगाना | Bet | Bet |
Bid | बोली लगाना | Bid | Bid |
Burst | फटना | Burst | Burst |
Cut | काटना | Cut | Cut |
Hit | मारना | Hit | Hit |
Hurt | चोटी करना | Hurt | Hurt |
Knit | बुनना | Knit | Knit |
Put | रखना | Put | Put |
Read | पढ़ना | Read | Read |
Set | लगाना | Set | Set |
Shut | बंद करना | Shut | Shut |
Spread | फैलाना | Spread | Spread |
Spit | थूकना | Spit | Spit |
Accept | मान लेना | Accepted | Accepted |
Act | अभिनय करना | Acted | Acted |
Add | मिलाना/जोड़ना | Added | Added |
Admire | श्रद्धा करना | Admired | Admired |
Admit | स्वीकार करना | Admitted | Admitted |
Adopt | गोद लेना | Adopted | Adopted |
Agree | मानना | Agreed | Agreed |
Allow | परवाहनी देना | Allowed | Allowed |
Announce | घोषणा करना | Announced | Announced |
Answer | उत्तर देना | Answered | Answered |
Apologize | माफी मांगना | Apologized | Apologized |
Appear | दिखाई देना | Appeared | Appeared |
Appoint | नियुक्त करना | Appointed | Appointed |
Argue | बहस करना | Argued | Argued |
Arrange | व्यवस्थित करना | Arranged | Arranged |
Arrest | गिरफ्तार करना | Arrested | Arrested |
Arrive | पहुंचना | Arrived | Arrived |
Attach | जोड़ना | Attached | Attached |
Attack | हमला करना | Attacked | Attacked |
Attempt | कोशिश करना | Attempted | Attempted |
Attend | उपस्थित होना | Attended | Attended |
Avoid | टालना | Avoided | Avoided |
Await | प्रतीक्षा करना | Awaited | Awaited |
Award | पुरस्कृत करना | Awarded | Awarded |
Ban | प्रतिबंधित करना | Banned | Banned |
Bargain | मोल बातचीत करना | Bargained | Bargained |
Behave | व्यवहार करना | Behaved | Behaved |
Believe | विश्वास रखना | Believed | Believed |
Bless | आशीर्वाद देना | Blessed | Blessed |
Boil | उबालना | Boiled | Boiled |
Build | बांधना | Build | Built | Built |
Burn | जलना | Burn | Burnt | Burnt |
Bury | गाढ़ देना | Bury | Buried | Buried |
Call | बुलाना | Call | Called | Called |
Cancel | रद्द करना | Cancel | Canceled | Canceled |
Care | देखभाल करना | Care | Cared | Cared |
Carry | लेजाना | Carry | Carried | Carried |
Celebrate | मनाना | Celebrate | Celebrated | Celebrated |
Challenge | चुनौती देना | Challenge | Challenged | Challenged |
Change | बदलना | Change | Changed | Changed |
Cheat | धोकाधड़ी करना | Cheat | Cheated | Cheated |
Check | जाँच करना | Check | Checked | Checked |
Clarify | स्पष्ट करना | Clarify | Clarified | Clarified |
Clean | सफाई करना | Clean | Cleaned | Cleaned |
Clear | साफ करना | Clear | Cleared | Cleared |
Climb | चढ़ना | Climb | Climbed | Climbed |
Close | बंद करना | Close | Closed | Closed |
Collect | इकट्ठा करना | Collect | Collected | Collected |
Command | हुकुम चलाना | Command | Commanded | Commanded |
Comment | टिप्पणी करना | Comment | Commented | Commented |
Compare | तुलना करना | Compare | Compared | Compared |
Complete | पूरा करना | Complete | Completed | Completed |
Confirm | पुष्टि करना | Confirm | Confirmed | Confirmed |
Connect | जोड़ना | Connect | Connected | Connected |
Construct | निर्माण करना | Construct | Constructed | Constructed |
Continue | चालू रखना | Continue | Continued | Continued |
Control | नियंत्रण करना | Control | Controlled | Controlled |
Cook | पकाना | Cook | Cooked | Cooked |
Copy | नकल करना | Copy | Copied | Copied |
Cure | इलाज करना | Cure | Cured | Cured |
Dance | नाचना | Dance | Danced | Danced |
Decide | निर्णय लेना | Decide | Decided | Decided |
Declare | घोषणा करना | Declare | Declared | Declared |
Decorate | सजाना | Decorate | Decorated | Decorated |
Defeat | पराजित करना | Defeat | Defeated | Defeated |
Demand | मांग करना | Demand | Demanded | Demanded |
Depend | आश्रित रहना | Depend | Depended | Depended |
Describe | वर्णन करना | Describe | Described | Described |
Desire | इच्छा जताना | Desire | Desired | Desired |
Dispatch | भेजना | Dispatch | Dispatched | Dispatched |
Destroy | नाश करना | Destroy | Destroyed | Destroyed |
Devote | समर्पित करना | Devote | Devoted | Devoted |
Die | मरना | Die | Died | Died |
Disappear | गायब होना | Disappear | Disappeared | Disappeared |
Discuss | चर्चा करना | Discuss | Discussed | Discussed |
Dislike | नापसंद करना | Dislike | Disliked | Disliked |
Distribute | बाँटना | Distribute | Distributed | Distributed |
Divide | विभाजित करना | Divide | Divided | Divided |
Doubt | शक करना | Doubt | Doubted | Doubted |
Drop | गिराना | Drop | Dropped | Dropped |
Dry | सुखाना | Dry | Dried | Dried |
Earn | कमाना | Earn | Earned | Earned |
Educate | शिक्षित करना | Educate | Educated | Educated |
Elect | चयन करना | Elect | Elected | Elected |
Embrace | गले लगाना | Embrace | Embraced | Embraced |
Employ | नौकरी देना | Employ | Employed | Employed |
Enjoy | मजा करना | Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed |
Enquire | पूछताछ करना | Enquire | Enquired | Enquired |
Enter | अंदर जाना | Enter | Entered | Entered |
Establish | स्थापित करना | Establish | Established | Established |
Excuse | क्षमा करना | Excuse | Excused | Excused |
Exchange | अदला-बदला करना | Exchange | Exchanged | Exchanged |
Verb Forms V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 List:
Regular Verbs:
Example of a Regular Verb: “Play”
- V1 (Base Form): Play
- V2 (Simple Past): Played
- V3 (Past Participle): Played
- V4 (Third Person Singular Present): Plays
- V5 (Present Participle): Playing
Irregular Verbs:
Example of an Irregular Verb: “Go”
- V1 (Base Form): Go
- V2 (Simple Past): Went
- V3 (Past Participle): Gone
- V4 (Third Person Singular Present): Goes
- V5 (Present Participle): Going
Example of an Irregular Verb: “Sing”
- V1 (Base Form): Sing
- V2 (Simple Past): Sang
- V3 (Past Participle): Sung
- V4 (Third Person Singular Present): Sings
- V5 (Present Participle): Singing
Verb | V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 |
Walk | Walk | Walked | Walked | Walking | Walks |
Sing | Sing | Sang | Sung | Singing | Sings |
Write | Write | Wrote | Written | Writing | Writes |
Eat | Eat | Ate | Eaten | Eating | Eats |
Speak | Speak | Spoke | Spoken | Speaking | Speaks |
Play | Play | Played | Played | Playing | Plays |
Read | Read | Read | Read | Reading | Reads |
Run | Run | Ran | Run | Running | Runs |
Think | Think | Thought | Thought | Thinking | Thinks |
Sleep | Sleep | Slept | Slept | Sleeping | Sleeps |