NCERT History Notes Class 6 to 12 Quick Revision PDF

Class: 6th – Our Pasts – I

  • What, Where, How, and When?
  • On the Trail of the Earliest People
  • In the Earliest Cities
  • What Books and Burials Tell Us
  • Kingdoms, Kings, and the Early Republic
  • New Questions and Ideas
  • Ashoka, The Emperor who Gave up War
  • Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
  • Traders, Kings, and Pilgrims
  • New Empires and Kingdoms
  • Buildings, Paintings, and Books

Class: 7th – Our Pasts – II

  • Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years
  • New Kings and Kingdoms
  • The Delhi Sultans
  • The Mughal Empire
  • Rulers and Buildings
  • Towns, Traders, and Craftspersons
  • Tribes, Nomads, and Settled Communities
  • Devotional Paths to the Divine
  • The Making of Regional Cultures
  • Eighteenth-Century Political Formations

Class: 8th – Our Pasts – III

  • How, When, and Where
  • From Trade to Territory (The Company Establishes Power)
  • Ruling the Countryside
  • Tribals, Dikus, and the Vision of a Golden Age
  • When People Rebel 1857 And After
  • Weavers, Iron Smelters, and Factory Owners
  • Civilising the “Native,” Educating the Nation
  • Women, Caste, and Reform
  • The Making of the National Movement: 1870s-1947
  • India after Independence

Class: 9th – Indian And The Contemporary World – I

  • The French Revolution
  • Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
  • Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
  • Forest Society and Colonialism
  • Pastoralists in the Modern World

Class: 10th – Indian and the Contemporary World – II

  • The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
  • Nationalism in India
  • The Making of a Global World
  • The Age of Industrialisation
  • Print Culture and the Modern World

Class: 11 – Themes in World History

  • Writing and City Life
  • An Empire across Three Continents
  • Central Islamic Islands
  • Nomadic Empires
  • The Three Orders
  • Changing Cultural Traditions
  • Confrontation of Cultures
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Displacing Indigenous Peoples
  • Paths to Modernisation

Class: 12 – Themes in Indian History

  • Bricks, Bread and Bones
  • Kings Farmers and Towns (Early States and Economics)
  • Kinship Caste and Class
  • Thinker’s Belief and Buildings Culture Development
  • Through the Eyes of Travellers
  • Chapter: 6 – Bhakti Sufi Traditions
  • Chapter: 7 – An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara
  • Chapter: 8 – Peasant Zamindars and State
  • Chapter: 9 – Kings and Chronicles
  • Chapter: 10 – Countryside
  • Chapter: 11 – Rebels and the Raj
  • Chapter: 12 – Colonial Cities
  • Chapter: 13 – Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement
  • Chapter: 14 – Understanding Partition
  • Chapter: 15 – Framing the Constitution

Our Pasts – I: Class 6th Chapter Wise NCERT Notes

Ch1 – What, Where, How, and When?

  • Where Did People Live?
  • Names of the Land
  • Finding Out About The Past
  • One Past or Many?
  • What Do Dates Mean?

Ch2 – From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food

  • How Do We Know About Hunter-Gatherers?
  • Choosing A Place to Live In
  • Making Stone Tools
  • Finding Out About Fire
  • A Changing Environment
  • The Beginnings of Farming and Herding
  • A New Way of Life
  • “Storing” Animals
  • Finding Out About the First Farmers and Herders
  • Towards A Settled Life
  • What about Other Customs and Practices?
  • A Closer Look- Living and Dying In Mehrgarh

Ch3 – In the Earliest Cities

  • The Story of Harappa
  • What Was Special About These Cities
  • Houses, Drains, and Streets
  • Life in the City
  • New Crafts in the City
  • In Search Of Raw Materials
  • Food for People in the Cities
  • A Closer Look – Harappan Towns in Gujarat
  • The Mystery of the End

Ch4 – What Books and Burials Tell Us

  • It one of the Oldest Books in the World
  • How Historians Study the Rigveda
  • Cattle, Horses, and Chariots
  • Words to Describe People
  • Silent Sentinels-The Story of the Megaliths
  • Finding Out About Social Differences?
  • Were Some Burial Spots Meant For Certain Families?
  • A Special Burial at Inamgaon
  • Occupations at Inamgaon

Ch5 – Kingdoms, Kingsand the Early Republic

  • How Some Men Became Rulers
  • Janapadas
  • Mahajanapadas
  • Taxes
  • Changes in Agriculture
  • A Closer Look- Magadha
  • A Closer Look – Vaji

Ch6 – New Questions and Ideas

  • The Story of Buddha
  • Upanishads
  • Jainism
  • The Sangha
  • Monasteries

Ch7 – From a Kingdom to an Empire

  • A Very Big Kingdom = an Empire
  • How Are Empires Different From Kingdoms?
  • Ruling the Empire
  • Ashoka, a Unique Ruler
  • Ashoka’s War in Kalinga
  • What Was Ashoka’s Dhamma?

Ch8 – Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

  • Iron Tools and Agriculture
  • Other Steps to Increase Production: Irrigation
  • Who Lived In The Villages?
  • Find Out About Cities: Stories, Travellers, Sculpture, and Archaeology
  • Coins
  • Cities with Many Functions
  • Crafts and Crafts Persons
  • A Closer Look – Arikamedu

Ch9 – New Empires and Kingdoms

  • Prashant and What They Tell Us
  • Samudragupta’s Prashasti
  • Genealogies
  • Harshavardhana and the Harshacharita
  • The Pallavas, Chalukyas, and Pulakeshin’s Prashasti
  • How Were These Kingdoms Administered?
  • A New Kind of Army
  • Assemblies in the Southern Kingdoms
  • Ordinary People in the Kingdoms

Ch10 – Buildings, Paintings, and Books

  • The Iron Pillar
  • Buildings in Brick and Stone
  • How Were Stupas And Temples Builts?
  • Paintings
  • The World of Books
  • Recording and Preserving Old Stories
  • Stories Told By Ordinary People
  • Writing Books on Science

Class 7th – Our Pasts – II History Ncert Notes

Ch1 – Tracing Changes through A Thousand Years

  • New and Old Terminologies
  • Historians and Their Sources
  • New Social and Political Groups
  • Region and Empire
  • Old and New Religions
  • Thinking About Time and Historical Periods

Ch2 – New Kings and Kingdoms

  • The Emergence of New Dynasties
  • Administration in the Kingdoms
  • Prashant and Land Grants
  • Warfare for Wealth
  • A Closer Look: The Cholas

Ch3 – The Delhi Sultans

  • Findings Out About the Delhi Sultans
  • From Garrison Town to Empire: The Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate
  • The Masjid
  • A Closer Look: Administration and Consolidation under the Khaljis and Tughluqs
  • The Sultanate in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries

Ch4 – The Mughal Empire

  • Who Were The Mughals?
  • Mughal Military Campaigns
  • Mughal Traditions of Succession
  • Mughal Relations with Other Rulers
  • Mansabdars and Jagirdars
  • Zabt and Zamindars
  • A Closer Look: Akbar’s Policies
  • The Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century and After

Ch5 – Tribes, Nomads, and Settled Communities

  • Beyond Big Cities: Tribal Societies
  • Who Were Tribal People?
  • How Nomads and Mobile People Lived
  • Changing Society: New Castes and Hierarchies
  • A Closer Look
  • Conclusion

Ch6 – Devotional Paths to the Divine

  • The Idea of a Supreme God
  • A New Kind of Bhakti in South India- Nayanars and Alvars
  • Philosophy and Bhakti
  • Basavanna’s Virashaivism
  • The Saints of Maharashtra
  • Nathpanthis, Siddhas, and Yogis
  • Islam and Sufism
  • New Religious Developments in North India
  • A Closer Look: Kabir
  • A Closer Look: Baba Guru Nanak

Ch7 – The Making of Regional Cultures

  • The Cheras and the Development of Malayalam
  • Rulers and Religious Traditions: The Jagannatha Cult
  • The Rajputs and Traditions of Heroism
  • Beyond Regional Frontiers: The Story Of Kathak
  • Painting for Patrons: The Tradition of Miniatures
  • A Closer Look: Bengal
  • Pirs and Temples
  • Fish as Food

Ch8 – Eighteenth-Century Political Formations

  • The Crisis of the Empire and the Later Mughals
  • The emergence of New States
  • The Old Mughal Provinces
  • The Watan Jagirs of the Rajputs
  • Seizing Independence

Class 8th – Our Pasts – III History Ncert Notes

Ch1 – How, When, and Where

  • How Important Are Dates?
  • How Do We Know?

Ch2 – From Trade to Territory (The Company Establishes Power)

  • East India Company Comes East
  • Company Rule Expands
  • Setting Up a New Administration
  • Conclusion

Ch3 – Ruling the Countryside

  • The Company Becomes the Diwan
  • Crops for Europe
  • The “Blue Rebellion” And After

Ch4 – Tribals, Dikus, and the Vision of a Golden Age

  • How Did Tribal Groups Live?
  • How Did Colonial Rule Affect Tribal Live?
  • A Closer Look

Ch5 – When People Rebel 1857 And After

  • Policies and the People
  • A Mutiny Becomes a Popular Rebellion
  • The Company Fights Back
  • Aftermath

Ch6 – Civilising the “Native,” Educating the Nation

  • How the British Saw Education
  • What Happened To The Local Schools?

Ch7 – Women, Caste, and Reform

  • Working towards Change
  • Caste and Social Reform

Ch8 – The Making of the National Movement: 1870-1947

  • The Emergence of Nationalism
  • The Growth of Mass Nationalism
  • The March to Dandi
  • Quit India and Later

Class 9th – Indian And The Contemporary World – I History Ncert Notes

Ch1 – The French Revolution

  • French Society during the Late 18th Century
  • The Outbreak of the Revolution
  • France Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes A Republic
  • Did Women Have A Revolution?
  • The Abolition of Slavery
  • The Revolution and Everyday Life

Ch2 – Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

  • The Age of Social Change
  • The Russian Revolution
  • The February Revolution in Petrograd
  • What Changed After October?
  • The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution and the USSR

Ch3 – Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

  • Birth of the Weimar Republic
  • Hitler’s Rise to Power
  • The Nazi Worldview
  • Youth in Nazi Germany
  • Ordinary People and Crimes against Humanity

Ch4 – Forest Society and Colonialism

  • Why Deforestation?
  • The Rise of Commercial Forestry
  • Rebellion in the Forest
  • Forest Transformation in Java

Ch5 – Pastoralists in the Modern World

  • Pastoral Nomads and Their Movements
  • Colonial Rule and Pastoral Life
  • Pastoralism in Africa

Class: 10th – Indian and the Contemporary World – II History Ncert Notes

Ch1 – The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

  • The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
  • The Making of Nationalism in Europe
  • The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848
  • The Making of Germany and Italy
  • Visualizing the Nation
  • Nationalism and Imperialism

Ch2 – Nationalism in India

  • The First World War, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation Movement
  • Differing Strands within the Movement
  • Towards Civil Disobedience
  • The Sense of Collective Belonging

Ch3 – The Making of a Global World

  • The Pre-Modern World
  • The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914)
  • The Inter-War Economy
  • Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era

Ch4 – The Age of Industrialisation

  • Before The Industrial Revolution
  • Hand Labour and Steam Power
  • Industrialization in the Colonies
  • Factories Come Up
  • The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth
  • Market for Goods

Ch5 – Print Culture and the Modern World

  • The First Printed Books
  • Print Comes To Europe
  • The Print Revolution and Its Impact
  • The Reading Mania
  • The Nineteenth Century
  • India and the World of Print
  • Religious Reform and Public Debates
  • New Forms of Publication
  • Print and Censorship

Class 11 – Themes in World History History Ncert Notes

Ch1 – Writing and City Life

  • Mesopotamia and Its Geography
  • The Significance of Urbanisation
  • Movement of Goods into Cities
  • The Development of Writing
  • System of Writing
  • Literacy
  • The Uses of Writing
  • Urbanization in Southern Mesopotamia: Temples and Kings
  • Life in the City
  • A Trading Town in a Pastoral Zone
  • Cities in Mesopotamian Culture
  • The Legacy of Writing

Ch2 – An Empire across Three Continents

  • The Early Empire
  • The Third-Century Crisis
  • Gender, Literacy, Culture
  • Economic Expansion
  • Controlling Workers
  • Social Hierarchies
  • Late Antiquity

Ch3 – Nomadic Empires

  • Introduction
  • Social and Political Background
  • The Career of Genghis Khan
  • The Mongols after Genghis Khan
  • Social, Political, and Military Organisation
  • Conclusion: Situating Genghis Khan Mongolia in World History

Ch4 – The Three Orders

  • Introduction
  • France and England
  • The Three Orders
  • The Second Order: The Nobility
  • The Manorial Estate
  • The Knights
  • The First Order: The Clergy
  • Monks
  • The Church and Society
  • The Third Order: Peasants, Free and Unfree
  • Factors Affecting Social and Economic Relations.
  • A ‘Fourth Order’ – New Towns and Townspeople
  • Cathedral – Towns
  • The Crisis of the Fourteenth Century
  • Social Unrest
  • Political Changes

Ch5 – Changing Cultural Traditions

  • The Humanist View of History
  • The Revival of Italian Cities
  • The Arab’s Contribution
  • Aspirations of Women
  • Debate within Christianity

Ch6 – Displacing Indigenous Peoples

  • European Imperialism
  • North America
  • Mutual Perceptions
  • The Native Peoples Lose Their Land
  • The Gold Rush and Growth of Industries
  • Constitutional Rights
  • Winds of Change
  • Australia
  • The Winds of Change

Ch7 – Paths to Modernisation

  • Introduction
  • Japan
  • The Meiji Restoration
  • Modernizing the Economy
  • Aggressive Nationalism
  • ‘Westernisation’ and ‘Tradition’
  • After Defeat: Re-Emerging As a Global Economic Power
  • China
  • Establishing the Republic
  • The Rise of the Communist Party of China
  • Establishing the New Democracy 1949-65
  • Conflicting Visions: 1965-78
  • Reforms From 1978
  • The Story of Taiwan
  • The Story of Korea
  • A Post-War Nation
  • Rapid Industrialisation under Strong Leadership
  • Continued Economic Growth and Calls for Democratisation
  • Korean Democracy and the IMF Crisis
  • Two Roads to Modernisation

Class 12 – Themes in Indian History History Ncert Notes

Ch1 – Bricks, Bread, and Bones

  • Beginnings
  • Subsistence Strategies
  • Mohenjodaro: A Planned Urban City
  • Tracking Social Differences
  • Craft Production
  • Strategies for Procuring Material
  • Seals, Script, Weights
  • Ancient Authority
  • The End of the Civilisation
  • Discovering the Harappan Civilisation
  • Problems of Piecing Together The Past

Ch2 – Kings Farmers and Towns (Early States and Economics)

  • Prinsep and Piyadassi
  • The Earliest States
  • An Early Empire
  • New Notions of Kingship
  • A Changing Countryside
  • Towns and Trade
  • Back To Basics How Are Inscriptions Deciphered?
  • Limitations

Ch3 – Kinship Caste and Class

  • The Critical Edition of the Mahabharata
  • Kinship and Marriage Many Rules and Varied Practices
  • Social Differences: Within and Beyond the Framework of Caste
  • Beyond Birth Resources and Status
  • Explaining Social Differences: A Social Contract
  • Handling Texts Historians and the Mahabharata
  • A Dynamic Text

Ch4 – Thinker’s Belief and Buildings Culture Development

  • A Glimpse of Sanchi
  • The Background: Sacrifices and Debates
  • Beyond Wordly Pleasures: The Message Of Mahavira
  • The Buddha and the Quest for Enlightenment and Teachings
  • Stupas
  • Sculpture
  • New Religious Traditions
  • Top of Form

Ch5 – Through the Eyes of Travellers

  • Al-Biruni and the Kitab-Ul-Hind
  • Ibn Battuta’s Rihla
  • Francois Bernier A Doctor With a Difference
  • Making Sense of an Alien World: Al-Biruni and the Sanskritic Tradition
  • The Excitement of the Unfamiliar
  • Bernier and the “Degenerate” East
  • Women Slaves, Sati, and Labourers

Ch6 – Bhakti Sufi Traditions

  • A Mosaic of Religious Beliefs and Practices
  • Poems of Prayers Early Traditions of Bhakti
  • The Virashaiva Tradition in Karnataka
  • Religious Ferment in North India
  • New Strands in the Fabric Islamic Traditions
  • The Growth of Sufism
  • The Chishtis in the Subcontinent
  • New Devotional Paths Dialogue and Dissent in Northern India
  • Reconstructing Histories of Religious Traditions
  • Top of Form

Ch7 – An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara

  • The Discovery of Hampi
  • Rayas, Nayakas and Sultans
  • Vijayanagara – The Capital and Its Environs
  • The Royal Centre
  • The Sacred Centre
  • Plotting Palaces, Temples, and Bazaars
  • Questions In Search Of Answers
  • Top of Form

Ch8 – Peasant Zamindars and State

  • Peasants and Agricultural Production
  • The Village Community
  • Women in Agrarian Society
  • Forests and Tribes
  • The Zamindars
  • Land Revenue System
  • The Flow of Silver
  • The Ain-I Akbari of Abu’l Fazl Allami

Ch9 – Colonialism and Countryside

  • Bengal and the Zamindars
  • The Hoe and the Plough
  • A Revolt in the Countryside: The Bombay Deccan
  • The Deccan Riots Commission
  • Top of Form

Ch10 – Rebels and the Raj

  • A pattern of the Rebellion
  • Awadh in Revolt
  • What the Rebels Wanted
  • Repression
  • Images of the Revolt
  • Top of Form

Ch11 – Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement

  • A Leader Announces Himself
  • The Making and Unmaking Of Non-Cooperation
  • The Salt Satyagraha (A Case Study)
  • Quit India
  • The Last Heroic Days
  • Knowing Gandhi
  • Top of Form

Ch12 – Framing the Constitution

  • A Tumultuous Time
  • The Vision of the Constitution
  • Defining Rights
  • The Powers of the State
  • The Language of the Nation

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