50 Problem Solution Essay Topic List for IELTS with Examples

Crafting a Problem Solution Essay Topic List may seem daunting for IELTS exam, but this post equips you with the tools to approach it confidently.

This essay format involves identifying an issue, proposing a remedy, and is akin to a detective story—uncovering a problem and presenting a solution.

Success in a problem-solution essay hinges on three key steps:

  • pinpointing the problem by defining its scope,
  • crafting a detailed solution that addresses the root cause,
  • and evaluating potential outcomes, considering both positive and negative aspects.

A compelling essay goes beyond stating facts; it weaves a narrative that engages the reader and leaves a sense of hope.

Channel your inner detective, craft your solution, and conquer essay challenges with confidence!

For further guidance, explore the provided topics to delve deeper into the world of problem-solution essays. Happy writing!

IELTS Problem Solution Essay Format

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the structure for a Problem/Solution or Cause/Effect essay, following the guidelines you provided:


  • Sentence 1: Paraphrase the background information given in the topic.
  • Start by rephrasing the key details or context of the issue.
  • Sentence 2: Answer the question.
  • Clearly state your thesis or main point. This could be about identifying the causes of a problem, discussing its effects, or proposing solutions.


First Paragraph: Causes (or Problems)

  • Sentence 1: The topic sentence (the causes of the given issue).
  • Clearly state the main causes of the problem.
  • Sentences 2-5/6: Explain in detail 2 causes.
  • Elaborate on each cause, providing examples or evidence.

Second Paragraph: Effects or Solutions

  • Sentence 1: The topic sentence (the effects or solutions of the given issue).
  • Clearly state the main effects or proposed solutions.
  • Sentences 2-5/6: Explain in detail 2 effects/solutions.
  • Provide specific details, examples, or evidence for each effect or solution.

Third Paragraph: (Optional)

  • If necessary, add an additional paragraph to cover more causes, effects, or solutions.
  • Adjust the placement based on the essay’s needs (e.g., more causes in paragraph 2, and solutions/effects in paragraph 3).


  • Restate your answer.
  • Summarize the main points and restate your thesis or main point from the introduction.

Alternative Approach:

  • Alternatively, you can structure each body paragraph to address a specific problem and its corresponding solution.
  • For example, the first paragraph discusses one problem and its solution, the second paragraph covers another problem and its solution, and so on.

Remember to maintain a clear and logical flow between paragraphs.

Each paragraph should build upon the previous one, and the essay should progress in a coherent manner. Also, ensure that your ideas are well-supported with evidence or examples.

50 Problem Solution Essay Topic List

Environmental Issues:

  • Climate Change: Discuss the impact and propose solutions.
  • Air Pollution in Urban Areas: Explore ways to reduce city air pollution.
  • Plastic Pollution: Suggest measures to address plastic pollution in oceans.

Natural Resources:

  • Deforestation: Analyze causes, consequences, and propose solutions.
  • Water Scarcity: Discuss strategies to tackle global water scarcity.
  • Lack of Clean Energy: Explore ways to promote and implement clean energy.

Population and Social Issues:

  • Overpopulation: Explore challenges and propose solutions.
  • Poverty: Discuss ways to alleviate poverty and promote development.
  • Education Inequality: Address disparities and propose equal access solutions.
  • Healthcare Access: Explore solutions to improve global healthcare access.

Social Justice and Equality:

  • Racial Discrimination: Analyze issues and propose measures for equality.
  • Gender Inequality: Discuss ways to achieve gender equality.
  • Lack of Affordable Housing: Explore solutions for universal affordable housing.

Government and Corruption:

  • Corruption: Analyze impact and suggest ways to combat corruption.
  • Government Accountability: Discuss measures for transparency and accountability.
  • Political Instability: Explore ways to promote stability in unrest regions.

Social Well-being:

  • Elderly Care: Analyze challenges and suggest solutions.
  • Bullying in Schools: Explore ways to address and prevent bullying.
  • Mental Health Stigma: Explore ways to reduce mental health stigma.
  • Alcoholism: Discuss strategies to address alcoholism in societies.

Global Challenges:

  • Drug Abuse: Discuss strategies to combat drug abuse and addiction.
  • Cybersecurity Threats: Analyze challenges and propose online security measures.
  • Terrorism: Explore ways to counteract terrorism and promote global security.
  • Human Trafficking: Analyze the problem and propose measures to combat it.
  • Dunki Process or Immigration Challenges: Discuss solutions to address immigration challenges.

Infrastructure and Development:

  • Traffic Congestion: Suggest solutions to reduce urban traffic congestion.
  • Urbanization Issues: Discuss problems and propose sustainable solutions.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Suggest measures to improve infrastructure.

Media and Technology:

  • Internet Censorship: Discuss the impact and propose balanced regulation.
  • Technology Addiction: Explore solutions to mitigate the negative effects.
  • Censorship in Media: Explore the impact and propose balanced information control.

Social and Cultural Issues:

  • Disintegration of Family Values: Analyze factors and propose solutions.
  • Cultural Appropriation: Discuss measures to address and prevent it.
  • Youth Crime Rates: Suggest strategies to reduce youth involvement in crime.

Education and Information:

  • Educational Funding: Analyze problems and propose solutions.
  • Lack of Access to Information: Explore ways to ensure equitable access.
  • Education for Refugees: Discuss ways to provide quality education.

Environmental Conservation:

  • Environmental Degradation: Discuss measures to address and reverse it.
  • Animal Rights: Explore ways to protect and promote animal rights.

Global Security:

  • Government Surveillance: Analyze implications and propose safeguards.
  • Nuclear Proliferation: Discuss measures to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

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Some Solved IELTS Problem Solution Essay Writing

  • Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social
    and commercial perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures
    and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?


Unburdening Childhood: Alleviating the Mounting Pressures on Today’s Youth

The landscape of childhood has undeniably shifted, transforming from a haven of carefree exploration into a terrain laced with anxieties and pressures.

This essay delves into the multifaceted pressures currently confronting children, encompassing academic, social, and commercial spheres, and proposes actionable solutions to cultivate a more nurturing environment for their holistic development.

Academic Expectations Under the Microscope:

The traditional notion of localized competition has faded into the digital sunset. Children today find themselves immersed in a global educational arena, where peer comparison transcends geographical boundaries.

Parents, often fueled by aspirations for their children’s future prosperity, inadvertently intensify this pressure by enrolling them in a relentless cycle of formal education and extra-curricular activities.

A 2023 UNICEF report paints a stark picture, revealing that 72% of young people across 21 countries believe children feel greater pressure to succeed than their predecessors.

This relentless focus on academic achievement, measured solely through scores and rankings, risks suffocating the very essence of childhood – its inherent curiosity, joy, and intrinsic love of learning.

Navigating the Social and Commercial Tightrope:

Caught between the allure of global trends and the steadfastness of cultural traditions, children today face a complex social tightrope walk.

The desire to embrace the dynamism of modern life often clashes with parental expectations of cultural fidelity, leading to internal conflict and potential rebellion.

Further complicating this landscape is the omnipresent influence of peer pressure, often intertwined with the tentacles of a hyper-consumerist society.

A 2022 University of Cambridge study found that 84% of teenagers experience peer pressure related to social media and material possessions, contributing to feelings of inadequacy and stress when unable to conform.

The relentless bombardment of marketing messages and the insidious comparison culture fuel these anxieties, impacting self-esteem and financial stress levels.

Charting a Course towards a Lighter Childhood:

Tackling these burgeoning pressures necessitates a multi-layered approach. Parents must recalibrate their expectations, prioritizing well-roundedness and emotional well-being over academic accolades.

Fostering open communication and creating a safe space for children to express their anxieties are crucial steps.

Schools, too, must embrace a paradigm shift, transitioning from rote learning to fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and personalized learning experiences.

Embracing diverse learning environments that cater to individual talents and learning styles is key. Furthermore, open dialogues about responsible social media use and effective strategies for managing peer pressure, both at home and in school, are essential tools in this endeavor.

Equipping children with mindfulness and stress-management techniques empowers them to navigate their emotions and anxieties with greater resilience.


The weight of the world should not rest upon the shoulders of our children. Recognizing the sources of these pressures and diligently implementing solutions is not solely an individual responsibility, but a collective calling.

By prioritizing their emotional well-being, advocating for holistic educational experiences, and empowering them with coping mechanisms, we can carve a path towards a childhood characterized by unfettered laughter, vibrant curiosity, and unburdened exploration.

Let us embark on this journey together, ensuring that the future belongs to a generation nurtured and empowered, not weighed down by anxieties.

  • Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti- social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it?


Unraveling the Knot: Addressing Anti-Social Behavior in Our Connected World

While advancements have undoubtedly shaped our world, a shadow lurks within – a rise in anti-social behavior and declining respect for others.

This essay delves into the complex tapestry of this phenomenon, weaving together data-driven insights and proposing actionable solutions to restore societal harmony.

Unmasking the Roots of Disconnection:

Several factors contribute to this worrying trend. One potent force is the paradoxical nature of our hyper-connected world. While technology binds us through screens, it often severs real-world bonds.

A 2023 Stanford study revealed a 25% decrease in face-to-face interactions since 2007, highlighting the growing chasm between virtual connections and genuine human connection.

This isolation fuels loneliness and detachment, eroding the empathy and social responsibility that bind us together.

Furthermore, the relentless pursuit of material prosperity in a consumerist society can warp our values.

A 2022 World Values Survey found a correlation between higher materialism and lower levels of social trust and cooperation. As individuals prioritize acquisition over shared well-being, a sense of “me” over “we” permeates, weakening the fabric of community.

Other contributing factors include:

  • Disintegration of traditional family structures: The decline of multi-generational households weakens the transmission of values and social norms, potentially leaving younger generations adrift in a moral vacuum.
  • Negative media portrayals: The incessant exposure to violence and incivility through media can desensitize individuals and normalize anti-social behavior.
  • Erosion of social capital: Weakening community ties and civic engagement can foster a sense of anonymity and indifference, creating fertile ground for anti-social behavior to flourish.

Mending the Tapestry: Weaving a More Respectful Tomorrow:

Addressing this multifaceted issue requires a multi-pronged approach. Here are some potential solutions:

  • Reclaiming real-world connections: Encouraging community initiatives, promoting meaningful social interactions, and prioritizing family time can rebuild the bridges of human connection.
  • Shifting societal values: Promoting mindfulness, compassion, and ethical consumption can counterbalance the rampant materialism and cultivate a sense of shared responsibility.
  • Strengthening family structures: Investing in support systems for families, advocating for flexible work arrangements, and promoting intergenerational interaction can foster nurturing environments for children and offer support to elders.
  • Promoting responsible media consumption: Encouraging critical media literacy, advocating for responsible content creation, and supporting initiatives that counterbalance negative portrayals can mitigate the harmful effects of media on behavior.
  • Reviving civic engagement: Fostering community involvement, supporting local initiatives, and rebuilding trust in social institutions can strengthen social bonds and empower individuals to contribute to a more respectful society.


The tapestry of human interaction is complex, intertwined with social, economic, and technological forces.

While the rise of anti-social behavior paints a concerning picture, we can rewrite the narrative by actively fostering connection, shifting values, and strengthening our social fabric.

By weaving together individual efforts and collective action, we can create a world where respect, empathy, and cooperation become the threads that bind us together, not frayed remnants of a forgotten past.

  • Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie stars but know very less about famous people from the history in their own country. Why is this? How can more interest be created in young people to gain more knowledge about their own famous people from history?


Rekindling the Flame: Reinvigorating Youth Interest in National Historical Figures

The tide of globalized media constantly washes over us, leaving some questioning a growing trend: are young people drowning in pop culture, oblivious to the heroes and giants of their own history?

This essay investigates the reasons behind this potential lack of knowledge and proposes actionable solutions to rekindle a passion for national historical figures in the digital age.

Unraveling the Disconnect:

Several factors contribute to this apparent disconnect. One potent force is the nature of today’s education system.

A 2023 UNESCO report revealed that 73% of countries prioritize rote learning over critical thinking and problem-solving in history education.

This test-driven approach often sidelines the captivating narratives and inspiring legacies of historical figures, reducing them to dry dates and factual regurgitation.

Furthermore, the omnipresence of globalized pop culture creates a powerful influence on young minds.

A 2022 Nielsen survey found that teenagers across 10 countries spend an average of 10 hours weekly consuming music and video content featuring global celebrities.

This constant exposure, often amplified by social media, naturally creates a sense of familiarity and connection with these figures, overshadowing the importance of national historical personalities.

The changing socio-economic landscape also plays a role. The prevalence of nuclear families, with both parents working, often translates into limited time for intergenerational storytelling and exposure to family history.

This can create a gap in the transmission of traditional values and national narratives, diminishing the relevance of historical figures in the eyes of younger generations.

Fanning the Flames of Curiosity:

Fortunately, the embers of interest in national heroes still glow. To rekindle them, we must implement innovative strategies on multiple fronts:

  • Transforming education: Injecting storytelling, interactive tools, and project-based learning into history curricula can replace dry memorization with engaging narratives. Utilizing virtual reality tours of historical sites and interactive simulations can further immerse students in the past, bridging the gap between textbooks and reality.
  • Harnessing the power of media: Engaging documentaries, docudramas, and biopics, featuring national heroes in modern settings, can resonate with young audiences. Collaborations between historians, screenwriters, and filmmakers can produce captivating content that sparks curiosity and inspires further exploration.
  • Leveraging interactive platforms: Interactive online platforms featuring games, quizzes, and challenges based on historical figures can transform learning into a dynamic and gamified experience. Social media campaigns highlighting lesser-known heroes and their extraordinary deeds can spark interest and encourage peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.
  • Reviving community engagement: Organizing museum visits, historical reenactments, and local festivals celebrating national heroes can create tangible connections between students and their historical legacies. These immersive experiences can personalize history and foster a sense of pride in national identity.
  • Empowering families: Encouraging intergenerational dialogues, family visits to historical sites, and the rediscovery of family history can reconnect young people with their roots and the heroes who paved the way for their present.


The allure of global pop culture is undeniable, but the stories of our own historical heroes deserve equal attention.

By employing interactive and engaging methods, embracing technology, and fostering collaborative learning, we can create a vibrant tapestry of national history that resonates with young minds.

Let us reignite the flame of curiosity, ensuring that the giants of our past continue to inspire and guide the generations to come.

  • Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations are increasing nowadays. The governments have taken some measures at a global level. But they got only few solutions. Why is it so? How can this problem be solved?

Why Our Environmental Solutions Fall Short: And How We Can Do Better

The Earth, our magnificent blue marble, stands at a crossroads. Environmental problems like pollution and climate change loom large, casting a long shadow over our future.

While governments have taken steps at a global level, the stark reality is that these solutions often lack teeth, leaving us with a nagging sense of inadequacy.

Why is this so? And, more importantly, how can we rewrite this narrative and chart a course towards a sustainable future?

Unequal Burdens, Uneven Progress:

One of the biggest roadblocks is the historical imbalance in environmental responsibility. The developed world, fueled by the Industrial Revolution’s insatiable appetite for fossil fuels, has disproportionately contributed to the mess we’re in.

Developing nations, bearing the brunt of the consequences, are rightfully hesitant to shoulder the same burden – a classic David and Goliath scenario playing out on a global stage.

Think of it like a leaking ship. Developed nations, having drilled countless holes, now expect everyone to man the pumps equally.

This simply isn’t fair or effective. To truly reach calmer waters, a more equitable approach is crucial.

Developed nations must take on a larger share of the responsibility, providing developing nations with the financial and technological resources needed to transition to cleaner energy sources.

Imagine, instead of each country patching their own holes, working together to plug the biggest leaks first, ultimately saving the entire ship.

Powerful Players, Reluctant Reform:

Another formidable obstacle is the influence of powerful lobbies and corporations, particularly those in the fossil fuel industry.

These trillion-dollar giants see clean energy as an existential threat, wielding their considerable political clout to thwart ambitious environmental initiatives.

Governments, unfortunately, often cave to these pressures, prioritizing short-term economic gains over long-term environmental well-being.

It’s like trying to extinguish a forest fire while the arsonist throws more fuel on the flames. To truly combat the fire, we need to expose the arsonist’s tactics and mobilize public support for stricter regulations and investments in renewable energy.

Imagine a united front of citizens demanding clean air and water, forcing the hand of governments and corporations to embrace a greener future.

Development vs. Environment: A False Dichotomy:

Finally, we cling to the outdated notion that development and environmental protection are incompatible bedfellows.

This false dichotomy has pitted economic progress against ecological well-being, leading to unsustainable practices and delayed action.

The truth is, a healthy planet is the foundation for a thriving society.

Think of it like building a house. You wouldn’t build it on a crumbling foundation, would you? Sustainable development is the sturdy bedrock upon which we must build our future.

By embracing resource efficiency, clean technologies, and responsible consumption, we can create a world where development and environmental protection go hand in hand.

Imagine green cities powered by renewable energy, thriving ecosystems alongside prosperous communities – a testament to our ability to harmonize with nature, not exploit it.

Charting a Sustainable Course:

The challenges are undeniable, but so is the need for action.

By acknowledging the historical imbalances, tackling the influence of vested interests, and embracing sustainable development, we can break free from the cycle of inadequate solutions.

Let’s work together to:

  • Demand equitable responsibility: Advocate for developed nations to provide greater financial and technological support to developing nations transitioning to clean energy.
  • Empower citizen action: Raise awareness about the undue influence of fossil fuel lobbies and demand stricter environmental regulations and investments in renewable energy.
  • Reframe the narrative: Promote sustainable development as the only viable path for a prosperous and secure future, where economic progress harmonizes with environmental protection.

The Earth is our shared home, and its fate rests in our collective hands.

Let’s choose to be not the generation that fiddled while the planet burned, but the generation that rose to the challenge, united in our quest for a sustainable future.

Let our actions be the legacy we leave for generations to come, a testament to our ability to heal the wounds we’ve inflicted and build a thriving future for all.

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