Class 11 Physics Syllabus 2024-25: New Rationalised Syllabus

You’ve passed Class 10 and now starting for Science stream then you must have to know the latest syllabus. Here we have covered Class 11 Physics Syllabus 2024-25 For Board and JEE/NEET.

After the pandemic, educational authorities have revamped the traditional syllabus, reducing it by 30% compared to pre-COVID times. This change, in line with the National Education Policy 2020, aims to prioritize critical thinking and holistic learning.

The updated CBSE Class 11 Physics syllabus emphasizes key concepts while incorporating new topics. This post outlines the deletions and additions, ensuring students are well-prepared for the CBSE 2024-25 exams.

Class 11 Physics New Syllabus 2024-25

Class 11 Physics has 2 parts book. Below are the latest rationalised syllabus that you have to study throughout the year.

Below we have also mentioned the important topic list that you must learn so that you can make better strategy from the beginning of you class. ✅ Important.

Physics Part 1 Rationalised Syllabus

#1: Units And Measurement

  • The international system of units ✅
  • Significant figures ✅
  • Dimensions of physical quantities
  • Dimensional formulae and dimensional equations
  • Dimensional analysis and its applications ✅

#2: Motion In A Straight Line

  • Instantaneous velocity and speed
  • Acceleration
  • Kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion ✅

#3: Motion In A Plane

  • Scalars and vectors
  • Multiplication of vectors by real numbers ✅
  • Addition and subtraction of vectors – graphical method ✅
  • Resolution of vectors ✅
  • Vector addition – analytical method
  • Motion in a plane ✅
  • Motion in a plane with constant acceleration
  • Projectile motion ✅
  • Uniform circular motion ✅

#4: Laws Of Motion

  • Aristotle’s fallacy
  • The law of inertia
  • Newton’s first law of motion ✅
  • Newton’s second law of motion ✅
  • Newton’s third law of motion ✅
  • Conservation of momentum ✅
  • Equilibrium of a particle
  • Common forces in mechanics
  • Circular motion ✅
  • Solving problems in mechanics ✅

#5: Work, Energy, and Power

  • Notions of work and kinetic energy: The work-energy theorem ✅
  • Work
  • Kinetic energy ✅
  • Work done by a variable force
  • The work-energy theorem for a variable force
  • The concept of potential energy ✅
  • The conservation of mechanical energy ✅
  • The potential energy of a spring ✅
  • Power
  • Collisions ✅

#6: System Of Particles And Rotational Motion

  • Centre of mass ✅
  • Motion of centre of mass
  • Linear momentum of a system of particles ✅
  • Vector product of two vectors
  • Angular velocity and its relation with linear velocity ✅
  • Torque and angular momentum ✅
  • Equilibrium of a rigid body
  • Moment of inertia ✅
  • Kinematics of rotational motion about a fixed axis ✅
  • Dynamics of rotational motion about a fixed axis ✅
  • Angular momentum in case of rotations about a fixed axis ✅

#7: Gravitation

  • Kepler’s laws ✅
  • Universal law of gravitation ✅
  • The gravitational constant
  • Acceleration due to gravity of the earth ✅
  • Acceleration due to gravity below and above the surface of earth
  • Gravitational potential energy ✅
  • Escape speed
  • Earth satellites
  • Energy of an orbiting satellite

Physics Part 2 Rationalised Syllabus

#8: Mechanical Properties of Solids

  • Stress and strain
  • Hooke’s law ✅
  • Stress-strain curve
  • Elastic moduli
  • Applications of elastic behaviour of materials ✅

#9: Mechanical Properties of Fluids

  • Pressure
  • Streamline flow
  • Bernoulli’s principle ✅
  • Viscosity
  • Surface tension ✅

#10: Thermal Properties of Matter

  • Temperature and heat
  • Measurement of temperature
  • Ideal-gas equation and absolute temperature ✅
  • Thermal expansion ✅
  • Specific heat capacity ✅
  • Calorimetry ✅
  • Change of state
  • Heat transfer ✅
  • Newton’s law of cooling ✅

#11: Thermodynamics

  • Thermal equilibrium
  • Zeroth law of thermodynamics ✅
  • Heat, internal energy, and work
  • First law of thermodynamics ✅
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Rationalised-2023-24
  • Thermodynamic state variables and equation of state
  • Thermodynamic processes
  • Second law of thermodynamics ✅
  • Reversible and irreversible processes
  • Carnot engine ✅

#12: Kinetic Theory

  • Molecular nature of matter
  • Behaviour of gases ✅
  • Kinetic theory of an ideal gas
  • Law of equipartition of energy ✅
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Mean free path ✅

#13: Oscillations

  • Periodic and oscillatory motions
  • Simple harmonic motion ✅
  • Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion ✅
  • Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion
  • Force law for simple harmonic motion
  • Energy in simple harmonic motion ✅
  • The Simple Pendulum ✅

#14: Waves

  • Transverse and longitudinal waves ✅
  • Displacement relation in a progressive wave ✅
  • The speed of a travelling wave
  • The principle of superposition of waves ✅
  • Reflection of waves
  • Beats ✅

CBSE Class 11 Physics 2024-25 Course Structure

UnitsName of the unit                      Marks
Unit–IPhysical World and Measurement 23
Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
Unit-IIILaws of Motion 
Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
Unit-IVWork, Energy and Power
Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power
Unit–VMotion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
Chapter–8: Gravitation 
Unit–VIIProperties of Bulk Matter20
Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter
Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
Unit–IXBehaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory 
Unit–XOscillations and Waves 10
Chapter–14: Oscillations
Chapter–15: Waves 

CBSE Class 11 Physics (043) Board Exam 2024-25

Typology of QuestionsTotal MarksApproximate Percentage
Remembering: Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers. Understanding: Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organising, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.2738%
Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.2232%
Analysing: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalisations. Evaluating: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria. Creating: Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.2130%
Gross Total100 

CBSE Class 12 Physics Practical 2024-25 Evaluation Scheme

Max Marks: 30

Time: 3 hours

Two experiments one from each section 7 + 7 Marks 
Practical record [experiments and activities]5 Marks 
One activity from any section3 Marks 
Investigatory Project3 Marks 
Viva on experiments, activities and project 5 Marks 
TOTAL30 Marks

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