Fruits Name List In English Hindi With Pictures

Fruits Name refers to the names of various fruits in the Hindi and English languages. Most common fruit names include apple, banana, orange, strawberries, papaya, Pineapple, Watermelon, Avocado, mango, palm, Persimmon, etc. Not only does knowing the names of different fruits help you communicate better, but it also helps you develop healthier eating habits. It’s an easy but important part of our daily lives, connecting us to different cultures, enabling us to make informed dietary choices, and contributing to our overall well-being.

It’s really important for kids to learn the names of different fruits. Not only does it help them communicate better, but it also helps them eat healthier. It’s a basic but important part of our lives – it lets us get to know different cultures, helps us make better food choices, and makes us feel better overall.

Fruits Name

Fruits are an essential part of our lives. They provide us with many health benefits. Consuming fruits on a regular basis helps us to maintain a healthy body. In addition, fruits are often a key component of our diet when fighting various diseases. There are over 2000 different types of fruits in the world. We have listed 50+ fruit Names in this article.

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Fruits Name in English

As we grow up, we come to know the names of various fruits. However, did you know that there are many exotic fruits available all over the world? This article will provide you with information on a wide range of exotic fruits from all over the world. Not only will it help you to expand your vocabulary, but it will also help you to gain a better understanding of the wide range of fruits available globally. So, don’t wait any longer, let’s discuss the wide range of fruit names below.

Here are 20 common fruit names in English:

  1. Apple
  2. Banana
  3. Orange
  4. Strawberry
  5. Grape
  6. Watermelon
  7. Pineapple
  8. Mango
  9. Kiwi
  10. Lemon
  11. Peach
  12. Cherry
  13. Pear
  14. Blueberry
  15. Raspberry
  16. Plum
  17. Papaya
  18. Grapefruit
  19. Avocado
  20. Coconut
Fruits name

List of 60+ Fruits Names in English

Check the List of 60+ Fruits Names in English in the table given below:

Also read: Vegetables Name – Explore the list of 30+ Names in Hind & English

Fruits Name in Hindi

Fruits name (फलों का नाम ) का अर्थ है कि विभिन्न प्रकार के फलों को उपहारित नाम या लेबल के रूप में जाना जाता है, जैसे कि “सेब,” “केला,” “संतरा,” इत्यादि, जिन्हें फलों की पहचान और उनकी विविधता के लिए प्रयुक्त किया जाता है। फलों का सेवन हमारे जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है और ये सेहत के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होते हैं। नियमित फलों का सेवन हमारे शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने में मदद करता है।

नीचे दिए गए हिंदी में फलों के नाम की सूची की जाँच करें।

  1. आम
  2. अंगूर
  3. सेंब
  4. आंवला
  5. जामुन
  6. अनानास
  7. संतरा
  8. लीची
  9. कटहल
  10. नीलबदरी
  11. केला
  12. सतसुमा
  13. लाल केला
  14. पाइन बेरी
  15. करौंदा
  16. सलाक
  17. अंजीर
  18. किवानो
  19. तरबूज
  20. अखरोट

50+ Fruits Name in Hindi and English With Pictures

1.Banana FruitBananaकेला
2.Apple FruitAppleसेब
3.Orange FruitOrangeनारंगी(संतरा)
4.Mango FruitMangoआम
5.Grapes FruitGrapesअंगूर
6.Pineapple FruitPineappleअनानास
7.Pomegranate FruitPomegranateअनार
8.Avocado FruitAvocado (Butter Fruit)मक्खन फल
9.Coconut FruitCoconutनारियल
10.Papaya FruitPapayaपपीता
11.Watermelon FruitWatermelonतरबूज
12.Dragon FruitDragon Fruit(Pitaya)ड्रैगन फल
13.Strawberry FruitStrawberryस्ट्रॉबेरी
14.Blueberry FruitBlueberryब्लूबेरी
15.Blackberry FruitBlackberry(Java Plum, Jambul)जामुन
16.Gooseberry FruitGooseberryआँवला
17.Cherry FruitCherryग्लास मेवा(चेरी फल)
18.Apricot FruitApricotखुबानी(जर्दालू)
19.Jackfruit FruitJackfruitकथल
20.Kiwifruit FruitKiwifruitकीबी फल
21.Water Chestnut FruitWater Chestnutसिंघाड़ा
22.Acai Berry FruitAcai Berryकाला जामुन
23.Prickly Pear FruitPrickly Pearकांटेदार नाशपाती
24.Jujube FruitJujubeबेर
25.Quince FruitQuinceश्रीफल(शफरफल)
26.Cashew Apple FruitCashew Appleकाजू फल
27.Palm FruitPalm Fruitताड़ का फल
28.Passion FruitPassion Fruitकृष्णा फल
29.Persimmon FruitPersimmonतेंदू फल
30.Malay Apple FruitMalay Apple(Rose Apple, Bell Fruit)हरा जामुन
31.Lemon FruitLemonनींबू
32.Peach FruitPeachआडू(सतालू)
33.Pear FruitPearनाशपाती(बबूगोशा)
34.Tamarind FruitTamarindइमली
35.Custard Apple FruitCustard Appleसीताफल(शरीफा)
36.Fig FruitFigअंजीर
37.Guava FruitGuavaअमरुद
38.Muskmelon FruitMuskmelon(Cantaloupe)खरबूजा
39.Olive FruitOlive Fruitजैतून का फल
40.Wood Apple FruitWood Appleबेल
41.Almond FruitAlmondबादाम
42.Barberry FruitBarberryदारुहल्दी
43.Cashew FruitCashewकाजू
44.Breadfruit FruitBreadfruitविलायती फल
45.Date FruitDate Fruitखजूर
46.GrapefruitShaddock Fruit(Pomelo, Citron, Grapefruit)चकोतरा
47.Lychee FruitLychee(Longan)लीची
48.Sugar Cane FruitSugar Caneगन्ना
49.Red Banana FruitRed Bananaलाल केला
50.Kumquat FruitKumquatसंतरे जैसा फल

Types of Fruits Name

दुनिया भर में उपलब्ध अनेक फलों में से कुछ को अलग-अलग समूहों में वर्गीकृत किया जा सकता है, जिनमें शामिल हैं:

Citrus Fruits and Subtropical Fruits Name (खट्टे फल/उपोष्णकटिबंधीय फल के नाम)

खट्टे फल उपोष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्रों में उगते हैं और विटामिन सी, कार्बोहाइड्रेट, फाइबर, पोटेशियम, कैल्शियम और फास्फोरस से भरपूर होने के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं। यहाँ खट्टे फलों का संकलन है:

Citrus Fruits/Subtropical Fruits Names
OrangeBlood orangeLemonKaffir lime
Sweet limePomeloTangerineSudachi
Ugli fruitYuzu fruitTangeloKumquat

Tropical Fruits Name (उष्णकटिबंधीय फलों के नाम)

उष्णकटिबंधीय फल गर्म और आर्द्र स्थानों में उगते हैं, ज्यादातर कर्क रेखा और मकर रेखा के बीच। यहां प्रसिद्ध उष्णकटिबंधीय फलों के कुछ नाम दिए गए हैं:

Tropical Fruits Names
CoconutMuskmelonCustard applePapaya
Dragon fruitPassion fruitDurianPersimmon

Yellow Fruits Name

Yellow Fruits Names
BananaPineappleMangoYellow pear
PapayaEgg fruitGuavaJackfruit
MuskmelonCanary melonDurianYellow peach
GrapesYellow watermelonPomeloYellow dragon fruit
Yellow appleYellow plum/Lemon plumGolden kiwiHusk cherry

Green Fruits Names

Green Fruits Names
Green appleBreadfruitAvocadoDurian
Green grapesJackfruitPearSugar apple/Custard apple
Green gooseberryMarangKiwi fruitGuava
Honeydew melonJocotePomeloStar fruit
SoursopFeijoaTrue medlar/Greengage plumChempedak
Ugli fruitNoni fruitOsage orangeChayote

Fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fibre, as well as a variety of health-promoting antioxidants, including flavonoids. Eating a diet high in fruits can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, as well as inflammation and diabetes.

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