Bird Names: Birds are some of the most interesting creatures on Earth, and the names we give them are just as fascinating. We name birds based on various things, like how they look, act, where they live, or even stories from long ago.
50+ Birds Name in English
Robin | Falcon |
Blue Jay | Sparrow |
Eagle | Finch |
Owl | Pigeon |
Cardinal | Hummingbird |
Hawk | Pelican |
Cockatoo | Toucan |
Kingfisher | Woodpecker |
Swan | Albatross |
Penguin | Cormorant |
Crow | Parrot |
Seagull | Wren |
Duck | Eagle Owl |
Peacock | Osprey |
Magpie | Canary |
Raven | Kiwi |
Lark | Quail |
Dove | Oriole |
Tern | Flamingo |
Rook | Kestrel |
Swift | Warbler |
Grouse | Spoonbill |
Falconet | Redstart |
Kite | Nightjar |
Cuckoo | Shrike |
Grebe | Vulture |
Dipper | Gull |
Heron | Bobolink |
Lorikeet | Nuthatch |
Curlew | Roller |
Swallow | Snowy Owl |
Goldeneye | Bluebird |
Puffin | Starling |
Pelican | Redpoll |
Cormorant | Plover |
Buzzard | Oriole |
Peregrine Falcon | Magpie |
Oystercatcher | Mynah |
Kingfisher | Loon |
Cranes | Potoo |
Partridge | Skylark |
Frigatebird | Whimbrel |
Pintail | Pipit |
Jay | Harrier |
Cassowary | Lapwing |
Golden Pheasant | Jacana |
Cedar Waxwing | Grebe |
Bald Eagle | Avocet |
Booby | Godwit |
Redwing | Weaver |
Blue Tit | Gannet |
Coot | Sandpiper |
Crowned Crane | Goldfinch |
Blackbird | Bittern |
Red Cardinal | Hoopoe |
Swiftlet | Blackcap |
Yellowhammer | Thrush |
Mallard | Wagtail |
Black Swan | Magpie Goose |
Hornbill | Eagle Ray |
Cinereous Vulture | Marabou Stork |
Red Kite | Tawny Owl |
Hoopoe | Siskin |
Fulmar | Cuckooshrike |

Birds Name Hindi English
उल्लू | Owl |
तोता | Parrot |
स्वैन | Swan |
नीलकंठ | Blue Jay |
पेंगुइन | Penguin |
हॉर्नबिल | Hornbill |
टर्की | Turkey |
फाल्कन | Falcon |
बुलबुल | Nightingale |
रोबिन | Robin |
टूकेन | Toucan |
पोटू | Potoo |
जंगली बत्तख़ | Wild Duck |
एक प्रकार का पक्षी | A kind of bird |
पशु | Animal |
एक आर्कटिक समुद्री पक्षी | Arctic Seabird |
पतेना | Pheasant |
हवासील | Hawk |
गिनी मुर्गा | Guinea Fowl |
केटबार्ड | Kitebird |
चकवा | Crane |
भारी अड़चन | Albatross |
ऑइलबर्ड | Oilbird |
ग्रेटर रैकेट-टेल्ड | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo |
ड्रोंगो | Drongo |
सैंडपाइपर | Sandpiper |
लोट लगाते | Lapwing |
पीतचटकी | Golden Oriole |
बुश वार्बलर | Bush Warbler |
सामान्य स्विफ्ट | Common Swift |
ऑस्प्रे | Osprey |
रेन | Wren |
तोता | Parrot |
ग्रेब | Grebe |
मोआ | Moa |
सुस्तदिमाग़ | Dodo |
गैनिट | Gannet |
ब्लूबर्ड | Bluebird |
टील | Teal |
होट्ज़िन | Hoatzin |
दर्जिन चिड़िया | Eurasian Sparrow |
उत्तरी पिंटेल | Northern Pintail |
तीतर | Partridge |
कबूतर | Pigeon |
मोर | Peacock |
बत्तख | Duck |
बत्तख | Duck |
फिंच | Finch |
बाज़ | Hawk |
एजीटांट | Egret |
मैना | Myna |
ब्लू जे | Blue Jay |
हॉर्नबिल | Hornbill |
अधेला | Adela |
तार्लिंग | Starling |
गंगा-चिल्ली | Ganga Chilli |
खलिहान निगल | Pelican |
परी पक्षी | Fairy Bird |
कूट | Coot |
लवा | Lava |
सिग्नेट | Cygnet |
कीवी | Kiwi |
नीला डॉलर/बैंगनी डॉलर | Blue Dollar/Eggplant Dollar |
थ्रश | Thrush |
Bird Name in Hindi
Here is the list of bird names in Hindi:
- उल्लू
- तोता
- स्वैन
- नीलकंठ
- पेंगुइन
- हॉर्नबिल
- टर्की
- फाल्कन
- बुलबुल
- रोबिन
- टूकेन
- पोटू
- जंगली बत्तख़
- एक प्रकार का पक्षी
- पशु
- एक आर्कटी समुद्री पक्षी
- पतेना
- हवासील
- गिनी मुर्गा
- केटबार्ड
- चकवा
- भारी अड़चन
- ऑइलबर्ड
- ग्रेटर रैकेट-टेल्ड
- ड्रोंगो
- सैंडपाइपर
- लोट लगाते
- पीतचटकी
- बुश वार्बलर
- सामान्य स्विफ्ट
- ऑस्प्रे
- रेन
- तोता
- ग्रेब
- मोआ
- सुस्तदिमाग़
- गैनिट
- ब्लूबर्ड
- टील
- होट्ज़िन
- दर्जिन चिड़िया
- उत्तरी पिंटेल
- तीतर
- कबूतर
- मोर
- बत्तख
- बत्तख
- फिंच
- बाज़
- एजीटांट
- मैना
- ब्लू जे
- हॉर्नबिल
- अधेला
- तार्लिंग
- गंगा-चिल्ली
- खलिहान निगल
- परी पक्षी
- कूट
- लवा
- सिग्नेट
- कीवी
- नीला डॉलर/बैंगनी डॉलर
- थ्रश
Birds Name In Gujarati
Here is the list of bird names in Gujarati:
- ઊલુ
- ગોજરો
- સ્વાન
- બ્લૂ જે
- પેન્ગ્વિન
- હોર્નબિલ
- ટર્કી
- ફેલ્કન
- બુલબુલ
- રોબિન
- ટૂકન
- પોટૂ
- જંગલી બતક
- એક પ્રકારનું પક્ષી
- પશુ
- એક આર્કટિક સમુદ્રી પક્ષી
- પતેના
- હોક
- ગિની ફાઉલ
- કેટબર્ડ
- કુકડો
- ભારે અડુચણ
- ઓઇલબર્ડ
- ગ્રેટર રેકેટ-ટેલ્ડ
- ડ્રોંગો
- સેન્ડપાઇપર
- લોટ લગાડી
- પીતચાટકી
- બુશ વોર્બલર
- સામાન્ય સ્વિફ્ટ
- ઓસ્પ્રે
- રેન
- ગોજરો
- ગ્રેબ
- મોઆ
- સુસ્ત મગજ
- ગેનેટ
- બ્લૂબર્ડ
- ટીલ
- હોટ્ઝિન
- ડાર્જન ચિડચડ
- ઉત્તરી પિંટેલ
- તીતર
- કબૂતર
- મોર
- બતક
- બતક
- ફિંચ
- બાઝ
- એજિટન્ટ
- માઇના
- બ્લૂ જે
- હોર્નબિલ
- અધેલા
- ટાર્લિંગ
- ગંગા-ચિલ્લી
- ખલિહાન નિગલ
- પેરી પક્ષી
- કુટ
- લાવા
- સિગ્નેટ
- કીવી
- નીલો ડૉલર/રીંગણી ડૉલર
- થ્રશ
Birds Name list A to Z
Below are the list of bird’s name from A to Z:
- Canary
- Cormorant
- Crane (Stork)
- Crow
- Cuckoo
- Dove
- Duck
- Eagle
- Flamingo
- Goldfinch
- Goose
- Guineafowl
- Hawk
- Hen
- Hoatzin
- Hornbill
- Hummingbird
- Jay
- Kestrel
- Kingfisher
- Macaw
- Magpie
- Myna
- Nightingale
- Oriole
- Ostrich
- Owl
- Parrot
- Partridge
- Peacock
- Pelican
- Penguin
- Pheasant
- Pigeon
- Quail
- Raven
- Robin
- Rooster
- Seagull
- Skylark
- Sparrow
- Starling
- Stork
- Swallow
- Swan
- Tailorbird
- Toucans
- Turkey
- Vulture
- Wagtails
- Weaverbird
- Woodpecke
Flightless Birds Names:
- Penguin
- Ostrich
- Emu
- Kiwi
- Cassowary
- Rhea
- Kakapo (Night Parrot)
- Flightless Cormorant
- Kākāpō
- Steamer Duck
- Dodo
- Moa
- Great Auk
- Elephant Bird
- Penguin (multiple species)
- Kakapo (Owl Parrot)
- Nene (Hawaiian Goose)
- Kiwi (multiple species)
- Kākāpō
- Weka
Migratory Birds with Names:
- Arctic Tern
- Swallow
- Sandhill Crane
- Monarch Butterfly
- Snow Goose
- Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
- Golden Eagle
- Bar-Tailed Godwit
- Osprey
- Red Knot
- Blackpoll Warbler
- Peregrine Falcon
- White Stork
- Arctic Warbler
- Red-Necked Phalarope
- Broad-Winged Hawk
- Sanderling
- Yellow Warbler
- Painted Bunting
- Common Nighthawk
Famous Birds Names:
- Bald Eagle
- Albatross
- Peacock
- Penguin
- Falcon
- Blue Jay
- Robin
- Swan
- Nightingale
- Flamingo
- Condor
- Harpy Eagle
- Hornbill
- Puffin
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Kea
- Parrot
- Hoopoe
- Resplendent Quetzal
- Secretary Bird
Small Birds Names:
- Hummingbird
- Wren
- Finch
- Sparrow
- Goldcrest
- Warbler
- Kinglet
- Sunbird
- Waxwing
- Bushtit
- Nuthatch
- Pardalote
- Titmouse
- Gnatcatcher
- Firecrest
- Vireo
- Chickadee
- Pipit
- Pygmy Owl
- Fairy Wren
Cute Nicknames for Birds:
- Tweetie
- Fluffy
- Sunny
- Pippin
- Chirpy
- Sparky
- Whiskers
- Peepers
- Snuggles
- Feather
- Cuddles
- Honey
- Pip
- Nibbles
- Doodle
- Muffin
- Cheeky
- Snickers
- Tinkerbell
- Cinnamon
10 Birds Name in Hindi and English
- उल्लू (Owl)
- तोता (Parrot)
- स्वैन (Swan)
- नीलकंठ (Blue Jay)
- पेंगुइन (Penguin)
- हॉर्नबिल (Hornbill)
- टर्की (Turkey)
- फाल्कन (Falcon)
- बुलबुल (Nightingale)
- रोबिन (Robin)
20 Birds Name in English and Hindi
- Sparrow – गौरैया (Gauraiya)
- Eagle – बाज़ (Baaz)
- Peacock – मोर (Mor)
- Crow – कौआ (Kauwa)
- Parrot – तोता (Tota)
- Pigeon – कबूतर (Kabootar)
- Swan – हंस (Hans)
- Owl – उल्लू (Ullu)
- Robin – रोबिन (Robin)
- Hawk – बाज़ (Baaz)
- Kingfisher – रामचिरैया (Ramchiraiya)
- Heron – बगुला (Bagula)
- Woodpecker – कठफोड़वा (Kathphorwa)
- Myna – मैना (Maina)
- Crane – सारस (Saaras)
- Hornbill – हॉर्नबिल (Hornbill)
- Cuckoo – कोयल (Koyal)
- Bulbul – बुलबुल (Bulbul)
- Nightingale – बुलबुल (Bulbul)
- Finch – फिंच (Finch)
Birds Name in English and Gujarati
- Sparrow – ગોરસ
- Crow – કાગડો
- Pigeon – કબૂતર
- Parrot – તોતો
- Peacock – મોર
- Duck – બતક
- Eagle – ગરુડ
- Owl – ઉલ્લુ
- Swan – સ્વાન
- Flamingo – ફ્લેમિંગો
- Robin – રોબિન
- Hawk – હૉક
- Blue Jay – બ્લૂ જે
- Woodpecker – કઠિયાર
- Canary – કેનેરી
- Penguin – પેંગ્વિન
- Pelican – પેલિકન
- Heron – હેરોન
- Gull – ગલ
- Cuckoo – કુકુ
- Raven – રેવન
- Dove – ડવ
- Albatross – એલ્બાટ્રોસ
- Kite – કાઇટ
- Mynah – મયના
- Bulbul – બુલબુલ
- Vulture – ગિધ
- Falcon – ફાલ્કન
- Nightingale – નાઇટિંગેલ
- Woodcock – વુડકોક
10 Famous Birds Name in India
Here is a more detailed description of each of the ten famous birds name in India:
Indian Peafowl (Peacock)

The Indian Peafowl, also known as the peacock, is the national bird of India. It is famous for its stunning iridescent blue and green plumage, particularly the long tail feathers of the male which he displays in an elaborate fan during courtship.
Greater Indian Flamingo

The Greater Indian Flamingo is a large, wading bird with a long neck and legs. They are known for their vibrant pink plumage, which gets its color from the carotenoids in their diet. Greater Flamingos are found in flocks in shallow lakes and wetlands in India.
Himalayan Monal

The Himalayan Monal is a pheasant found in the Himalayas. The males are brightly colored with metallic green and blue feathers, while the females are a duller brown. Himalayan Monals are an important part of the Himalayan ecosystem, and they are threatened by habitat loss.
Indian Roller
The Indian Roller is a medium-sized bird with a bright blue body and chestnut wings. They are often seen perched on wires or trees, and they have a loud, calling voice. Indian Rollers are insectivores, and they eat a variety of insects, including bees and wasps.
Painted Stork
The Painted Stork is a large, wading bird with a white body and black wingtips. They have a long, pink bill and legs, and they are often seen in flocks in wetlands and rice paddies. Painted Storks are fish eaters, and they use their long bills to probe the mud for prey.
- Sarus Crane
The Sarus Crane is the tallest flying bird in the world. They have a grey body and white head and neck. Sarus Cranes are found in pairs or small flocks in grasslands and wetlands. They are known for their elaborate courtship dance, which involves jumping and flapping their wings.
- Asian Paradise Flycatcher
The Asian Paradise Flycatcher is a small, insectivorous bird. The males have long, white tail feathers that can be up to twice the length of their body. These tail feathers are used to attract mates. Asian Paradise Flycatchers are found in forests and woodlands throughout India.
- Indian Pitta
The Indian Pitta is a small, brightly colored bird found in the forests of India. They have a variety of colors in their plumage, including green, blue, red, and orange. Indian Pittas are insectivores, and they eat a variety of insects, including beetles and ants.
- Great Hornbill
The Great Hornbill is a large bird with a massive casque on its bill. The casque is thought to help the bird to amplify its calls and to intimidate rivals. Great Hornbills are found in the forests of India, and they are an important part of the rainforest ecosystem.
- Malabar Grey Hornbill
The Malabar Grey Hornbill is a medium-sized bird with a long, curved bill. They are found in the forests of the Western Ghats in India. Malabar Grey Hornbills are frugivores, and they eat a variety of fruits, including figs and berries.
These are just a few of the many famous birds of India. India is a country with a rich biodiversity of birds, and there are many other species that are worth seeing.